dear alia - geology VS chemistry

dear alia,

beberapa hari ni i rasa taksedap hati jerrrr. hm hm. entahlaah i pun tak tahu kenapa but this feeling always comes at night. adakah ini sebab jauh dari Tuhan atau sebab rasa sunyi (you knowww the single-syndrom thingggggs) hm hm.

hailaaaaa, you knowww, semalam i jumpa this-wierdo-yang-gila-kuasa-gila-popularity-perasan-famous segala bagai and he's taking applied chemistry. buat pertama kali i bersyukur i amek geology dan bukannya chemistry (awwhh you know how much i love chemistry aiteee) menyampah gilaaaa. patutlah everybody is like... hating-him-damn-much dan semalam baru i tahu kenapa HAHAHAHA

speaking of the devil, arghhh. you'know he's kinda famous at the koleeeejj during the MHS becos he's the ***** (can't tell u because it's the country secret HAHAHA) and then of course everybody in the college knew him aiteee. boleh pulak dy sembang dengan i tetiba tanya macam ni "kenal saya tak?" dengan muka-penuh-harapan-i-akan-cakap "kenaaaall" aawhh too bad that i said "tak. tak kenal pon" grrrr geramlah dgn budak berlagak nak mamphuss gitu. hm hm

poyo nak mamphus itu budak. dahla bila i cakap i amek geology dia gelakkan. cuba sebab i belajar pasal batu. ceyttt dia ingat amek chemistry tu power gila. lepastu boleh pulak berlagak dgn i pasal chemistry. dia ingat i tak pandai chemistry ke apa grrrrrrrrr! aaahhh! i'm gonna be more success than him someday!

yeah that's the second point kenapa i bersyukur i amek geology. at least i tak pandang rendah dekat orang yang amek course yang tak berapa nak femes hukhukhuk :P so that's all. the story of a frustating day while waiting for the bus. dah la bas lambat sampai. terpaksa pulak dengar dia berlagak kat telinga ni. doakan i don't bump into him anymore for the next 7 semester okay. teheee okebai :D

1 comment:

nur aminalia said...

babyyyy... wuwuwuwuwu kalo i ckp i dak umk n amik kos SAINS GUNAAN TEKNOLOGI PEMBANGUNAN PRODUK DENGAN KEPUJIAN ni lagi la dye gelak sampai guling2 dekat jalan kan.. wahahahaha... xpe la u.. lantak pi la depa nak ckp ape.. ingt dye terer sgt ke.. stakat femes jekk, habuk pun tarak.. huhuhuu.. ape yg aq merepek ni?? no worries lalink.. dont bother la ape org nak ckp.. u kan ade i... heheheheh